Rajasthan GK Quiz 264

Rajasthan GK Quiz No. 264: Rajasthan General Knowledge Sample Question Paper with Collection 10 Question from for upcoming RAS, REET, Rajasthan Police Bharti, REET, SI, Constable, Patwari and other state exams under GK Quiz in Rajasthan GK Sample Papers. You Can Download Rajasthan GK Free Mobile App for daily current affairs, Rajasthan GK, GK Notes, Objective Quiz at RAJASTHAN GK Mobile App from various examinations of Rajasthan Govt. and central Govt Examinations.

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Rajasthan GK Quiz No. 264:
Arrange the following rulers of chouhan dynasty in chronological order-
(i) Prithviraj-I
(ii) Ajayraj
(iii) Arnoraj
(iv) Vigrahraj-IV
A. (ii),(iii),(i),(iv)
B. (i),(iii), (ii),(iv)
C. (i),(iv),(ii),(iii)
D. (i),(ii),(iii),(iv)
Answer: D

Identify the leader who was not active in Jaipur Praja Mandal-
A. Ram Karan Joshi
B. Daulat Mal Bhandari
C. Prayagraj Bhandari
D. Devishankar Tiwari
Answer: C

On the basis of maladministration Dalhousie annexed which of the following states in British empire?
A. Satara
B. Jhansi
C. Awadh
D. Nagpur
Answer: C

Which of the following is not correctly matched?
A. Thewa Art – Pratapgarh
B. Minakari – Jaipur
C. Ajarak Print – Sanganer
D. Terracotta Art – Molela
Answer: C

Which of the following temples is not of Gurjar-Pratihar style of architecture?
A. Someshwar Temple of Kiradu
B. Sun temple of Osian
C. Dadhimati Mata temple of Goth Manglod
D. Shiv temple of Charchoma
Answer: D

The dance form which is not related to Garasia tribe-
A. Walar
B. Mandal
C. Gavri
D. Loor
Answer: C

Which of the following is not a sub-dialect of Dhundari?
A. Toravati
B. Rajavati
C. Nagarchol
D. Rathi
Answer: D

The company officer who was assassinated in Kota during the Revolution of 1857-
A. Colonel Abbott
B. Captain Shawers
C. Major Burton
D. Captain Monk Mason
Answer: C

Swarna Nagari hall is a part of which Jain temple?
A. Nasiyan temple, Ajmer
B. Ranakpur temple, Ranakpur
C. Dilwara temple, Abu
D. Nakoda temple, Barmer
Answer: A

The responsibility of “Akshapatalik” in the early medieval Kingdoms of Rajasthan was-
A. To work as Chief Treasurer
B. To work as Chief Account Officer
C. To work as Foreign Minister
D. To work as Prime Minister
Answer: B

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